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Typical off-design analytical performances of internal combustion engine cogeneration

Xiaohong HE, Ruixian CAI

Frontiers in Energy 2009, Volume 3, Issue 2,   Pages 184-192 doi: 10.1007/s11708-009-0007-z

Abstract: Based on experimental data, typical off-design characteristic curves with corresponding formulas of internalcombustion engine (ICE) are summarized and investigated.difference Δ , relative steam production and superheated steam temperature decrease with the decrease in engine

Keywords: internal combustion engine (ICE)     cogeneration     heat recovery steam generator (HRSG)     off-design     superheated    

Development Trend for Technology of Vehicle Internal Combustion Engine

Su Wanhua,Zhang Zhongjie,Liu Ruilin and QiaoYingjun

Strategic Study of CAE 2018, Volume 20, Issue 1,   Pages 97-103 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2018.01.014


This study compares the advantages of new energy vehicles and internal combustion engines to achieveInternal combustion engines are predicted to remain the main driving force of automobiles for a longHigh-efficiency, energy-saving, and clean new technologies for the automobile internal combustion engineNew internal combustion engine technologies with great potential have endlessly emerged in response toThe internal combustion engine industry in China cannot be slack because it is an important part of the

Keywords: internal combustion engine     technical advantages     development potential     new technology     high efficiency    

Unified cycle model of a class of internal combustion engines and their optimum performance characteristics

Shiyan ZHENG

Frontiers in Energy 2011, Volume 5, Issue 4,   Pages 367-375 doi: 10.1007/s11708-011-0170-x

Abstract: The unified cycle model of a class of internal combustion engines is presented, in which the influence

Keywords: internal combustion engine     irreversibility     power output     efficiency     optimization    

Modeling and simulation analysis on parallel hybrid air-fuel vehicle

Pinglu CHEN, Xiaoli YU, Xianghong NIE, Yidong FANG

Frontiers in Energy 2010, Volume 4, Issue 4,   Pages 553-559 doi: 10.1007/s11708-010-0008-y

Abstract: the model of a parallel air-fuel hybrid vehicle was established, and the modeling of an air powered engine

Keywords: air powered engine     hybrid vehicle     internal combustion engine     simulation    

Strategic Research on Promoting Coordinated Development of Refining and Automobile Industries

Cao Xianghong

Strategic Study of CAE 2019, Volume 21, Issue 3,   Pages 61-69 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2019.03.005

Abstract: The internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV) manufacturing industry and the petroleum production industryrequirement for emissions, upgrading the quality of oil products, and advancing the development of internalcombustion engine technology.Gasoline electric hybrid vehicles with highefficiency internal combustion engines will significantlymechanism from a molecular perspective in the internal combustion engines; exploring the relationship

Keywords: automobile power revolution     internal combustion engine technology     oil quality     coordinated development    

The Possibility of Active Attitude Control for Fuel Spray Review

Masataka Arai

Engineering 2019, Volume 5, Issue 3,   Pages 519-534 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2019.04.010


The internal combustion engine (ICE) is an attractive power source for automobiles, with its superiorIn the future, smart active control of combustion by means of fuel spray injection must be consideredas a breakthrough technology to address serious issues related to conventional ICEs, such as emissionsHowever, spatial fuel distribution is not progressing as desired in the field of combustion; thus, newtechnology in a smart compact ICE.

Keywords: Internal combustion engine     Fuel spray     Spray control     Spray behavior     Fuel injector    

Levelized costs of the energy chains of new energy vehicles targeted at carbon neutrality in China

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3,   Pages 392-408 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0212-6

Abstract: show that the current well-to-pump levelized costs of the energy chains in China for BEVs, FCVs, and internalcombustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) are approximately 3.60, 4.31, and 2.21 yuan/GJ, respectively, and

Keywords: energy chain     new energy vehicle     internal combustion engine vehicle     life cycle cost     technological    

Development of Fuel/Engine Systems—The Way Forward to Sustainable Transport Review

Gautam Kalghatgi

Engineering 2019, Volume 5, Issue 3,   Pages 510-518 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2019.01.009

Abstract: for transport energy is large, growing, and primarily met by petroleum-derived liquid fuels powering internalcombustion engines (ICEs).Indeed, ICEs will continue to improve while using current market fuels, through improvements in combustionHowever, there is even more scope for improvement through the development of fuel/engine systems thatGasoline compression ignition (GCI), which uses low-octane gasoline in a compression ignition engine,

Keywords: Transport energy     Internal combustion engines     Gasoline     Diesel    

Influence of temperature on cam-tappet lubrication in an internal combustion engine

CHANG Qiuying, YANG Peiran, WANG Jing, CHEN Quanshi

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2007, Volume 2, Issue 4,   Pages 489-492 doi: 10.1007/s11465-007-0085-8

Abstract: elastohydrodynamic (EHL) simulation were performed on the exhausting cam-tappet friction pair of an internalcombustion engine.

Keywords: coefficient     combustion     isothermal elastohydrodynamic     temperature     thickness    

Analysis of a 1 kW organic Rankine cycle using a scroll expander for engine coolant and exhaust heat

Yiji LU, Anthony Paul ROSKILLY, Long JIANG, Longfei CHEN, Xiaoli YU

Frontiers in Energy 2017, Volume 11, Issue 4,   Pages 527-534 doi: 10.1007/s11708-017-0516-0

Abstract: The development of engine waste heat recovery technologies attracts ever increasing interests due toThis paper presented the study of engine coolant and exhaust heat recovery using organic Rankine cycleRather than the conventional engine ORC system mainly focusing on the utilization of exhaust energy,this work proposed to fully use the engine coolant energy by changing the designed parameters of theengine ORC system.

Keywords: organic Rankine cycle     scroll expander     coolant and exhaust recovery     internal combustion engine    

Progress in hydrogen enriched hydrocarbons combustion and engine applications

Zuohua HUANG, Jinhua WANG, Erjiang HU, Chenglong TANG, Yingjia ZHANG

Frontiers in Energy 2014, Volume 8, Issue 1,   Pages 73-80 doi: 10.1007/s11708-013-0287-1

Abstract: The paper summarized the work on hydrogen enriched hydrocarbons combustion and its application in enginesBased on fundamental combustion, both homogeneous spark-ignition engine and direct-injection spark-ignitionengine fueled with natural gas-hydrogen blends were conducted and the technical route of natural gas-hydrogen

Keywords: hydrogen enriched hydrocarbon combustion     fundamental study     engine application    

Application of micro-genetic algorithm for calibration of kinetic parameters in HCCI engine combustion

HUANG Haozhong, SU Wanhua

Frontiers in Energy 2008, Volume 2, Issue 1,   Pages 86-92 doi: 10.1007/s11708-008-0003-8

Abstract: kinetic model (40 species and 62 reactions) for the homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustionof -heptane to improve its autoignition predictions for different engine operating conditions.

Keywords: homogeneous     different     combustion     autoignition     compression    

Study of combustion and emission characteristics of turbocharged diesel engine fuelled with dimethylether

WU Junhua, HUANG Zhen, QIAO Xinqi, LU Jun, ZHANG Junjun, ZHANG Liang

Frontiers in Energy 2008, Volume 2, Issue 1,   Pages 79-85 doi: 10.1007/s11708-008-0002-9

Abstract: The combustion and emission characteristics of the DME engine were investigated.However, the maximum cylinder pressure, maximum pressure rise rate and combustion noises of the DME engineThe combustion velocity of DME is faster than that of diesel, resulting in a shorter combustion durationCompared with the diesel engine, NO emission of the DME engine is reduced by 41.6% on ESC data.In addition, the DME engine is smoke free at any operating condition.

Study of engine performance, emission and combustion characteristics fueled with diesel-like fuel producedfrom waste engine oil and waste plastics

V. Edwin Geo, Ankit Sonthalia, Fethi Aloui, Femilda Josephin J. S.

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2018, Volume 12, Issue 4, doi: 10.1007/s11783-018-1063-6


To derive liquid fuel from waste engine oil and plastics thoroughpyrolysis process

To make equal blend of waste engineitemcontent>

To find the suitability of fuel from waste in diesel enginethrough performance, emission and combustion characteristics

Keywords: Waste engine oil     Waste plastic oil     Diesel fuel     Pyrolysis     Compression ignition engine    

Combustion and emissions of RP-3 jet fuel and diesel fuel in a single-cylinder diesel engine

Frontiers in Energy 2023, Volume 17, Issue 5,   Pages 664-677 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0787-3

Abstract: The combustion characteristics and emission behaviors of RP-3 jet fuel were studied and compared to commercialdiesel fuel in a single-cylinder compression ignition (CI) engine.Engine operational parameters, including engine load (0.6, 0.7, and 0.8 MPa indicating the mean effectiveIn comparison to diesel fuel, RP-3 jet fuel shows a retarded heat release and lagged combustion phaseAs a result, RP-3 jet fuel features a longer ignition delay (ID) time, a shorter combustion duration

Keywords: RP-3 jet fuel     diesel     engine     combustion     emissions    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Typical off-design analytical performances of internal combustion engine cogeneration

Xiaohong HE, Ruixian CAI

Journal Article

Development Trend for Technology of Vehicle Internal Combustion Engine

Su Wanhua,Zhang Zhongjie,Liu Ruilin and QiaoYingjun

Journal Article

Unified cycle model of a class of internal combustion engines and their optimum performance characteristics

Shiyan ZHENG

Journal Article

Modeling and simulation analysis on parallel hybrid air-fuel vehicle

Pinglu CHEN, Xiaoli YU, Xianghong NIE, Yidong FANG

Journal Article

Strategic Research on Promoting Coordinated Development of Refining and Automobile Industries

Cao Xianghong

Journal Article

The Possibility of Active Attitude Control for Fuel Spray

Masataka Arai

Journal Article

Levelized costs of the energy chains of new energy vehicles targeted at carbon neutrality in China

Journal Article

Development of Fuel/Engine Systems—The Way Forward to Sustainable Transport

Gautam Kalghatgi

Journal Article

Influence of temperature on cam-tappet lubrication in an internal combustion engine

CHANG Qiuying, YANG Peiran, WANG Jing, CHEN Quanshi

Journal Article

Analysis of a 1 kW organic Rankine cycle using a scroll expander for engine coolant and exhaust heat

Yiji LU, Anthony Paul ROSKILLY, Long JIANG, Longfei CHEN, Xiaoli YU

Journal Article

Progress in hydrogen enriched hydrocarbons combustion and engine applications

Zuohua HUANG, Jinhua WANG, Erjiang HU, Chenglong TANG, Yingjia ZHANG

Journal Article

Application of micro-genetic algorithm for calibration of kinetic parameters in HCCI engine combustion

HUANG Haozhong, SU Wanhua

Journal Article

Study of combustion and emission characteristics of turbocharged diesel engine fuelled with dimethylether

WU Junhua, HUANG Zhen, QIAO Xinqi, LU Jun, ZHANG Junjun, ZHANG Liang

Journal Article

Study of engine performance, emission and combustion characteristics fueled with diesel-like fuel producedfrom waste engine oil and waste plastics

V. Edwin Geo, Ankit Sonthalia, Fethi Aloui, Femilda Josephin J. S.

Journal Article

Combustion and emissions of RP-3 jet fuel and diesel fuel in a single-cylinder diesel engine

Journal Article